by Leah Kalamakis | Nov 21, 2019 | The WTF Podcast
The things you do, the people in your life, the person that you are…are you in love or in need? Do you have an agenda involved or are you truly in love with doing, having or being it? What you do out of love can so easily be misinterpreted in your life and is really...
by Leah Kalamakis | Nov 14, 2019 | The WTF Podcast
You hear the importance of “doing what you love” from many different teachers and people in society. Almost everyone would agree that doing what you love would lead to a happier, more fulfilling life. But why is it so difficult to do? Why don’t more people do it? In...
by Leah Kalamakis | Nov 7, 2019 | The WTF Podcast
Most people are looking to spirituality or self-actualization to improve their lifeSTYLE. There is a difference between life and lifestyle. Many people get into self-development to make more money, to have more success, to be more lovable. They think there is...
by Leah Kalamakis | Oct 31, 2019 | The WTF Podcast
One of the common philosophies in the spiritual industry is the importance of being detached. The concept of being detached is often misinterpreted. Whether it be related to your emotions, your circumstances or the results and outcomes you are after in your life...
by Leah Kalamakis | Oct 31, 2019 | The WTF Podcast
People think when they’re on a spiritual path they have to be neutral, detached, and “in control” of their emotions. In other words, be in a “zen” state at all times. This is a big misinterpretation of spirituality because in order to live this way, most people end up...