Have you ever had an amazing creative idea, or felt moved, almost compelled to do something, but it didn’t work for you like you felt intuitively that it would?

Have you ever wondered why your Intuition didn’t work?

First you need to know the difference between your Intuition and your logical mind, or what some call your heart and your head. Intuition has absolutely no logic, no meaning, and has no “should” attached to it. This sense, sometimes called your sixth sense, comes in the form of a feeling that moves you and it feels like inspiration, or sometimes is just a knowing.

Once I overheard a conversation with a woman in a cafe because she was speaking about her intuition, because normally I don’t listen to other people’s conversations, and her friend asked her about this big decision she was about to make, “but how do you know?” And do you know what she replied, “I don’t know, I just know.” That’s what intuition feels like. Somehow you know, but there is no reason how you know. It’s intangible.

Intuition is pure creativity without any reason to follow it. It’s a suspicion or hunch, but it’s something that you can’t prove will succeed or be true. And it’s not planning for the future.

So where do people go wrong following Intuition?

Problem #1

Most people either don’t know their Intuition, or don’t trust their gut-feeling. Why? Because you can’t prove it, it’s intangible so it feels like a risk and that’s when you won’t always act on it, especially when you can’t see the possibilities in your current circumstances.

Some people do know and trust their intuition, and they try to act on it, but their analytical mind comes in and finds the reason why they should follow that feeling. Which leads to problem #2…

Problem #2

Rather than following the creativity, the idea that has no reason, you find a good or logical reason that is enough to support you to pursue it, but that’s the moment you begin to follow the reason. Instead of acting on the feeling, you act on the logical reason you have now attached to that creativity. But that’s not following your inspiration or intuition, that’s following the reason you’ve found to do it.

The left brain is the part of you that computes, labels and analyzes information. So it always seeks to find understanding and meaning in everything, and it will sneak in to add reason and logic after a creative idea is borne.

When Intuition speaks, it speaks of what is possible for you, but what’s possible becomes so only when acting on the feeling, not because of the logic or meaning that you may have found.

If you follow reason, you are no longer following endless possibilities and you begin chasing the reason why you should do it, which is usually what you believe following the feeling is going to give you in return. That’s following what you love with an agenda to receive something back, and so it’s not following what you love, it’s following what you believe you’ll receive from it.

Instead of acting on the feeling, you act on how much money it’s going to make you, or the business it could create, or how important you could become because of it. This is where it fails and where people get stuck.

The Solution

Put the love you have for something into what you love for no reason, not into what it’s going to give you in return. Do not follow your heart “because…” Just follow your heart!!

Love and possibilities have no reason or logic. To experience more love and possibilities in all parts of your creative process, even if that is within the relationships you have with others, follow the moment to moment inspirations. Act on the inspiration, not what the inspiration will give you, and you’ll notice that the bigger picture of what you desire unfolds more naturally.

Acting on your heart will give you a sense of purpose and aliveness that acting on reason and logic cannot give you.

That is effortless living.