International Mindset Coach, Amir Zoghi can show you how to break free from the limitations of your mind & access the life you’ve always dreamed of.

International Mindset Coach, Amir Zoghi can show you how to break free from the limitations of your mind & access the life you’ve always dreamed of.

Welcome to Amir Zoghi’s world, where your limitless potential awaits. As a renowned mindset coach and successful entrepreneur, Amir has empowered 1000s of individuals worldwide, over the past 15 years to transform their lives effortlessly.
Have you ever felt that life has more to offer, yet something holds you back? Do you yearn for a deeper connection, greater purpose, and a more meaningful existence?
Since discovering the truth of our infinite potential, Amir Zoghi has dedicated his life to sharing this gift with as many people as possible. His mission is to awaken others to their true purpose. If you’re ready to embrace the freedom and love of a new reality, start your journey now.
The Matrix Unlocked 🔓
Who are you really? Why are you here? Is there more to reality than what you see?
Get Amir’s FREE 1-hour session on The Illusion, a mind-altering, reality-shifting look into your deepest questions on the meaning of life.

Transcend your current circumstances, escape the prison of your mind and learn to live a life led by intuition and love.
Ever wondered: Is this it? Is this really why I came here? Am I meant for something more?
Join Amir Zoghi in his signature, reality-shifting online program.
– Immediate Online Access to 4 hours of pre-recorded program videos.
– One, 30-minute Private Coaching Session with Amir.
$197 USD
Join Amir Zoghi’s 3-Month Infinite Coaching Program: The Journey, for support navigating life’s ups and downs.
– The WTF?! Experience Online Video Program
– 12 Weekly AZ Truth Bump Coaching Videos
– Bi-weekly 1-1 Coaching Sessions with an AZ-certified coach
$550/month USD
Join Amir’s Inner Circle for exclusive access to his program vault + weekly group coaching calls.
– Weekly group coaching calls.
– Private WhatsApp group for coaching and sharing between calls.
– Complete 29-Video Truth Bump Coaching Series.
– Bonus content and access to vaulted programs.
$5500 USD/year
“OMG! I’m only half way through, and I think this is the greatest gift I’ve ever been given!! Everything has completely changed.“
“It has helped me to focus on what I love instead of trying to force things to work in a certain way. Everything happens with more ease and in extraordinary ways that I couldn’t have planned if I tried.“
“I just feel so much lighter, more grounded and so much more myself.“
“I’ve never felt as happy nor as free in my life since the span of the three weeks since I experienced WTF?!”
“I now know how it feels to have absolute certainty. I see my world in a completely different way than I ever could have imagined.“
“I’ve found so much more inner peace. It’s truly changed the way I live.“
“After WTF, I feel more alive, more connected to my heart and less in my head. If you’re thinking about it, don’t think, just do it“
“Since this work, I’m more zen, learnt how to embrace my emotions and enjoy life. My relationships are the best they’ve ever been and my chronic back pain has also gone. “
“This program took me on a journey and it changed my life. I’ve read and studied many authors out there, it’s not the same.“
“This previous fragmented jigsaw of life is gradually taking the form of an artwork more beautiful than I could have imagined.“
“I’m completely blown away with this journey. My life feels like everything I never knew I always wanted.”
“When those pennies drop, when you understand WHY you’ve been living the way you have: it’s BIG. I can’t go back to who I was.“