

July 20-24th – San Diego, USA

The ONE Retreat experience is dedicated to the art of living one’s infinite capacity.

What stops most people from living their true infinite capacity is their limited mindset around the truth of who they are and their level of deservingness.

Although I give you the knowledge of this limiting mindset and how to overcome it in my online programs and content,  it isn’t until you attend the retreat, that you experience the practical application for your daily life.

The ONE Retreat is your opportunity to be fully immersed in your process, discover more about yourself than you’ve ever imagined, and return to your everyday life as a completely different version of yourself.

It’s truly the real-life EXPERIENCE of what you have learned in LIMITLESS.

“My only wish is that more people choose to experience this. Because it’s like nothing else.”

Kathleen Kenneally

Los Angeles, United States

“If you had told younger me that I’d be here now, feeling the way I feel, I would not have believed you.”

Kris Murray

Colorado, United States

“I’m glad I didn’t put any expectations on it, because it’s gone above and beyond whatever I could have imagined for myself.”

Sissi Ervasti

Sydney, Australia

ONE Retreat USA Details

​​​​Dates: July 20-24, 2024

Location: The Oaks Retreat CenterSan Diego Valley, California, USA

Food and Accommodation: All meals and  private or shared accommodation is included in the retreat cost.



Private Room: $4997 USD
Shared Room: $3997 USD 


To celebrate the ONE Retreat taking place outside of Australia for the very first time, all retreat attendees will be invited to participate in Amir’s newest online program, MANIFEST, free of charge ($2200 value).

Over 8-weeks leading up to the retreat, Amir will guide you on a deeply introspective journey that will challenge the core of what you believe about manifestation, deservingness, and the power within you to create the life you’ve always dreamed of. This program was previously delivered to Amir’s Inner Circle coaching group and will now be offered publicly. If you sign up late to the retreat, you’ll be sent the recordings of the program you have missed. 

“I honestly feel like I love myself, all of me. And I don’t know if I’ve ever been able to say that.”

Penelope Michael

Seattle, United States

“It’s beyond anything, it’s beyond.”

James Duigan

Byron Bay, Australia

“It’s just the most profound experience.”

Colby Stacey

Melbourne, Australia

Daily Schedule

Day 1: July 20th

4:00pm – Registration and room check-in

5:00-7:00pm – Initial Welcome Circle (Introductions & Retreat Intentions)

7:00-8:00pm – Welcome Dinner

8:15pm – Evening Campfire Social (optional)

Day 2 & 3: July 21st & 22nd

8:00-9:30am – Guided Mediation & discussion

10:00-11:15am – Coaching Circle (Where attendees share their processes & ask questions for coaching from Amir. You can participate or listen as much as you feel comfortable.)

11:15-12:45pm – Brunch

12:45-2:00pm – The WTF?! Experience Workshop (Teachings by Amir in seminar room)

2:00-2:30 – Break

2:30-4:00pm – Coaching Circle

4:00-6:00pm – Personal Pondering Time (for reflections on questions prompted by Amir, done alone, preferably somewhere in nature on retreat grounds)

6:00-7:30pm – Dinner

7:30pm – Sunset Group Pondering Session led by Amir

8:15pm – Evening Campfire Social (optional)

Day 4: July 23rd

8:00-9:30am – Guided Mediation & discussion

10:00-11:15am – Coaching Circle 

11:15-12:45pm – Brunch

12:45-2:00pm – The WTF?! Experience Workshop

2:00-2:30 – Break

2:30-4:00pm – Coaching Circle

4:00-5:30pm – Closing Ceremony (Warning: there is never one dry eye in the room at this ceremony, tears of inspiration and appreciation are difficult to resist.) 

5:30pm-7:00pm – Personal Time / Break

7:00-8:00pm – Dinner and Sunset celebration with Drinks

8:15pm & on – Campfire Social Dance Party

Day 5: July 24th

8:00-9:30am – Breakfast Finale

11:00am – Room Checkout & Goodbyes

“I don’t think anyone knows when they’re ready. Some people don’t even know they need to be transformed. The best thing to do is come to a place like this and realise how messed up your life didn’t have to be.”

— Bill McIntyre


Do you feel like there must be more to life—more depth, more connection, more peace? Imagine a place where you transcend everyday challenges, where profound transformation isn’t just possible, but inevitable. Crafted for those who have embarked on the LIMITLESS journey through Amir’s teachings, the ONE Retreat is designed to take your newfound knowledge and turn it into lived experience of a new reality.

Experience Unparalleled Transformation

The environment and energy created at the ONE Retreat, is like nothing else you can experience doing this work on your own. Engage in unique, deeply immersive activities that challenge you to be vulnerable at your level of comfort, in safe, supportive surroundings, encouraging profound personal insights and lasting growth. This is where barriers are broken and true self-awareness begins.

Cultivate Joy and Connection

This isn’t just another workshop or more information; it’s a guided journey back to who you truly are. Here, you will learn that joy isn’t just a fleeting feeling, but a constant presence that is always available to you. Surrounded by an intimate group of like-minded truth seekers, you will forge connections that enrich your journey long after the retreat ends. The reflections you see in others will support you in understanding yourself.

Embrace a Life of Ease and Acceptance

Learn to let go of past burdens & triggers and step into a life where your truest desires and lasting peace is possible. This retreat teaches you to remove the armor we wear without even realizing it, enabling a life filled with ease, acceptance, and peace.

“It was the space to see where my own blockages were.”

Craig Thompson

Sydney, Australia

“It’s changed my life and the love I have for myself.”

Jacqui Baranowski

Sydney, Australia

“It’s been one of the most amazing experiences for me to date.”

Sharney Simpson

Sydney, Australia


Where is the One Retreat held?

This One Retreat will take place for the first time outside of Australia, outside of San Diego in Southern California, USA:

The Oaks Retreat Center
27430 Golden Eagle Rd,
Ramona, CA 92065, United States
Google Map

How do I get there?

The Oaks Retreat Center is located about 1.5 hours drive from San Diego International Airport and 3 hours drive for Los Angeles International Airport. We will help organize group carpooling closer to the event and provide transport information if carpooling is not an option based on your chosen arrival time. 

Is there any prerequisite for attending?

We highly recommend that you have attended or watched Amir’s LIMITLESS (or previous WTF?! Experience) program before attending the retreat. You can do so free here.

Additionally, but optionally, you will get the most out of the experience if you have watched as many of his Truth Bumps as possible. You can watch Truth Bumps here.

What should I pack?

The weather in this area in July is usually a comfortable mid-20s celsius / mid-70s Fahrenheit. You’ll want to bring comfortable clothing and layers as you’ll go from the fresh outdoor sunshine to air-conditioned circle and seminar rooms. Activewear and easy-to-take-on and off shoes encouraged. We’ll invite you to take a break from all technology during your stay, to get the most out of the experience, so please leave behind computers and work. 

Are their private or shared rooms?

You have the option at registration to choose a private or shared room. If shared, you may choose who you would like to share with by notifying us at least one week before the retreat. If you are coming alone, you will be placed with another attendee. 

Why are their only 2 meals? What kind of food can I expect?

With over 10 years of running retreats, Amir has found that people are able to be the most present to their process when they are not overly fed and full. Through trial and error, and always providing delicious, healthy meals, we have found that two main meals are most nourishing without over-eating for attendees. Late-morning Brunch & early-evening Dinner are included as full, sit-down meals. Fruit, nuts, coffee and other snacks are provided throughout the rest of the day if you require more. 

I have dietary restrictions, can you accomodate?

Yes! All major dietary restrictions are accommodated and respected by our private catering chef. This includes options for vegetarian, pescatarian, vegan, gluten-free, lactose-free, nut and other allergies. If you have a less-common restriction that you would like to confirm we can accommodate, please email us at contact@amirzoghi.com to ask. 

Will there be alcohol served?

Alcohol or other substance consumption is not available or encouraged during the retreat as it can distract from your experience and retreat process. Alcohol will be served on the final night after the Closing Ceremony to celebrate the end of the retreat. 


July 20-24th – San Diego Valley, California USA