



From the age of fourteen, I spent 15yrs searching for the truth of who am I and why am I alive? That search ended ten years ago when I found my way to what Amir shares. His teachings finally supported me in actually living what I only found knowledge about during those fifteen years.

Rather than just knowing it, through Amir’s teachings and guidance, I finally started experiencing the living of what I always felt in my soul to be true, that what I love to do, be or have is always possible.

Along the journey of integrating and living what Amir shares, it was to my surprise that I would find myself sharing and guiding others along the journey. Over the past ten years, while deepening my living of infinite possibilities and a wholehearted way of life, I’ve treasured awakening this way of life within others from around the world.

Being able to offer space so to listen deeply, hear what’s not said and ignite a world of possibilities is something I treasure.

If you are willing to live for all that moves your soul and come to truly express that no matter what your circumstances appear to be or what you may currently know of yourself, you are someone, I’d love to support and guide.

I don’t believe we came here to be limited or feel moments of peace, joy, freedom, and love. I know we came here to live this moment to moment, live infinitely.


If you have some questions before or after going through one of Amir’s programs or would like to hear how we can continue to best support you on your journey, schedule a complimentary support call with Jamie.

1-1 Coaching

Get continued support during or after an AZ Program through one-to-one coaching sessions with Jamie. 

Join OMG Limitless

Go through Amir’s signature program, OMG, along with a small group facilitated by Jamie.


It was lonely, cold, and dark. How I had come to be here was beyond me, but I was feeling so much despair and pain. I just wanted it to end, and I was done, I couldn’t see any point to it all anymore, so much noise of thoughts to why there wasn’t any reason to go on. 

This moment was a decade ago, and it was a moment in time that pivoted me along a path of true discovery, truly living.

For the fifteen years before this moment and why I was so at a loss as to why I had even arrived at this point, I had already been on a journey, a journey of seeking out the truth.
Who Am I? Why Am I Here?

Questions a young boy would ask his Mum, questions beyond my age, and my comprehension at the time, although seeking the answer, led me into personal development and self-awareness from the age of 14.

I looked for the answer in mediation, energy work, my religion, personal development program after personal development program, books, retreats, NLP, NET… it went on and on.
My life was full, plenty of success, and often arriving at the point of what I thought was arrival before making it about the next thing and the next. It was never-ending, and something was about to dawn on me when it came to my journey.

I realized that no matter how much knowledge I acquired, practices, or techniques to fix, change, or improve myself and life, I would never feel truly safe and truly free.

I wasn’t able to live what I knew, and this is what drove me to a very insecure, hopeless, and dark place. A place which then brought about an experience that broke through it all and had me feeling something indescribable but more alive than ever before.

I wanted to live again for that feeling, not just to know it, to become it, to live it.

A few weeks later, through a string of synchronicities, I found myself listening to Amir Zoghi share the WTF Experience. Why I felt reminded me of that feeling weeks before and not just to be reminded again of it, but it inspired and ignited a willingness to bring that feeling out.
This is where I decided and leaped, I went all in. I asked what more there was to soak up in what he had to share. I dived into mentoring and a retreat. That was just under ten years ago to this moment right now, and I can tell you from direct experience that I no longer yearn for the truth or to know who I am or why I am here.

I’m flying and loving the view; I’m alive and so appreciative of the experience that is life.

Even more so that along my journey, I’ve found myself sharing and guiding others in living this way of life. 

I spent fifteen years looking for the way home, the way back to myself, and Amir’s ability to open the door to what was always there so I can live from that space I believe is nowhere else to be found in the world.

My life is wholeheartedly and will always be about living this. In following this way of life, I’ve found absolute joy and fulfillment in mentoring others through group facilitation and one on one mentoring. 

I hope to share what I have to give when guiding others along this path with you one day if you also seek the truth of who you are and living from that place.


If you have some questions before or after going through one of Amir’s programs or would like to hear how we can continue to best support you on your journey, schedule a complimentary support call with Jamie.