Amir Zoghi | Mind Over Matter



When not soaring over the skies of Sydney – Australia, Amir is well known for helping others soar in their personal and professional lives as a mindset coach. Amir is sought after for his practical and relatable mindset teachings.

As an entrepreneur, Amir has multiple successful companies. He doesn’t grow them with your average strategies, goals and plans.

His strategies for success in life and business start with understanding the limitless capacity of the mind and harnessing a deep understanding of how to manifest your outcome and results effortlessly. There is nothing he is more inspired by than helping others do the same.

Have you ever thought that your life should be more than it is, like you’re missing something? But you cannot connect to or uncover it. Does your purpose feel lost, your life small and do not know where to even start to change it?

Transform your reality with Amir Zoghi’s LIMITLESS mindset transformation program.


ACE Podcast: The Relationship You Are Having with Life

ACE Podcast: The Relationship You Are Having with Life

We all just want to live an honest life, but how honest are we willing to be with ourselves? In this episode, Amir shares how he transformed his results because he was willing to stop and take an honest look at the relationship he was having with areas of his life...

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ACE Podcast: Why We Struggle to Be Our Authentic Selves

ACE Podcast: Why We Struggle to Be Our Authentic Selves

Some of the best advice ever given is, “just be yourself” - but what does it really mean to be your authentic self? In this episode, Amir shines light on all the dark corners where we hide our true selves, and shows us what's possible when we have a truly open heart....

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