Are you ready to unlock your infinite potential?

“You are an infinite being in a finite world.”

How true does that feel to you?

We often have moments of insight or periods of life where we are doing more of what we love, enjoying the day-to-day, feel like anything is possible and are content with what we have.

But does it last?

At a one moment or another, life stuff happens…

Maybe you get in a big fight with your partner.

                                     Or you lose a client or your job.

Maybe your car breaks down.

Or a deal falls through.

You may feel lost after a move.

Lonely without enough friends.

Or maybe you lose someone close to you.


In these moments, are you able to remember?

Are you able to live what you know about the truth of who you are?

How quickly are you able to reclaim your power?

Introducing: The Journey


A 3-month coaching container to support you in applying what you learn in The WTF?! Experience, continue to expand your infinite capacity and actually live what you’ve come to know so far on your journey, in all areas of your life, regardless of what presents itself if your story.


  • 12 weekly Truth Bump content videos from Amir, each on a specific topic related to the most common pitfalls people encounter on this journey. (value: $660)
  • 6 bi-weekly private coaching calls with a certified AZ Coach & Facilitator to discuss the content and how to apply it to your specific life circumstances. (value: $900)
  • Lifetime access to The WTF?! Experience 4-hour online program (value: $197)
  • Amir’s 3 most-popular guided meditations to support you in integrating what you learn. (value: $60)
  • The 30-Day Mind Over Matter Challenge, for daily audio support and encouragement from Amir in living this work. (value: $197)

INVESTMENT: 3 monthly payments of $550 USD

What past program participants have to say…

You have no idea what you’d be missing if you don’t do this. It’s given me everything… everything I’ve wanted, I’ve now got. I used to feel like life (especially work) demanded me to be a certain way. I worked over 100 hours per week often and didn’t think it could be any other way. Amir helped me see clearly what I want, and how what I want is possible. I’ve learned what’s real and what’s not. I feel free from obligation in how I have to be and what I think I need to do. I have more time outside of work as I work less, and I’m more effective and get the same if not more results doing the projects I actually want to do.”

— Nivin Thanabalan, Australia

“I knew that there was something more to life and could not continue to settle for current conditioning and thinking. There is Limitless and when you get beyond to the coaching, there is true peace of mind. Rather than succumb to fear of what’s going on in the world around me, I can sit still and feel into it each moment. In coaching with him, I had an ”aha” with regards to understanding manifestation and thereafter something started to change. Thank you Amir. If you’ve seen his Limitless event and know what you’re in for, I recommend taking the next step with the coaching challenge.”

— Priscilla Landsman, South Africa

Before finding Amir’s work I was stuck in so much people-pleasing and a constant battle to prove I was worthy. I was constantly seeking and gave my power away to so many people, doing what I thought everyone else wanted or needed from me. I always felt like something was missing, like I NEEDED to find the next partner or program or income goal. I was mildly depressed and anxious as a way of life.

My internal state of being has dramatically shifted after committing to this work with Amir. I now very regularly have these moments of happiness for no reason. This joy that kicks in. I don’t feel fear anymore. I’ve felt a deepening in peace like never before and I know it’s because of the work with Amir. I’m much more willing to follow the feeling, speak my truth, ask for what I need and want even if it’s going to disappoint or upset others.

I’m completely blown away with this journey. My life feels like everything I never knew I always wanted.”

— Cora Poage, United States

“Amir helped me understand where my true power comes from, how to align with it and use it. I don’t “effort” so much to get what I want because of understanding how to use the power and how manifestation actually works. I’ve learned how to live life more spontaneously with trust, as Amir says, “follow the feeling”. I have become more skilled at tuning in to what is true for me and how following the feeling actually plays out. It is so very worthwhile taking this journey with Amir.” 

— Joyce Baker, United States

“Before I started this work with Amir, nothing seemed to be working out for me in relationships, finances and my career. I repeated the same patterns and I was deeply unhappy. I felt completely trapped in myself and my problems. I wanted to run away from everything in my life as it felt like it was all too hard to bare.

Amir opened my mind to another way of seeing life. I still experience things not working out for me, but they usually don’t consume me. I can come back to a place in myself that is unshakable, where I know I’m always ok. I can now experience so much joy and presence and so much appreciation for this life that I get to experience. 

— August Porter, Australia

“I had been struggling with anxiety and depression for a number of years. I knew I needed to make a big change in my relationship but couldn’t act on those feelings. I was scared, confused & had very low self-worth. After this work with Amir I don’t think about myself in the same negative ways I used to. I still feel sad at times but it now feels natural & healthy. I don’t feel stuck in those emotions. I show up differently in my relationships and as a parent. I’m less reactive & more compassionate. I feel comfortable being myself & not needing to be who I think others want me to be.”

— Nikki Foley, Australia


Give me 12 Weeks and you will…

Stop living through reactions to your external circumstances and instead access the infinite feeling that will guide you to more happiness, joy and fulfilment.

Master the process of letting go of the judgments of your external circumstances that are keeping those experiences in your life.

Recognize the benevolent role of all people and circumstances in your life as reflections of where you have forgotten the truth of who you are.

Let go of your attachment to outcomes in order to access what’s available to you beyond your current imagination.

Consistently tap into the Infinite Feeling to have confidence and certainty in the steps you take through life.

Embody the power of radical acceptance in order to reclaim your power from what causes your suffering.

Understand that your external reality is a reflection of what’s happening internally and feel confident in taking your power back to create a limitless reality.

See how your previous efforts of manifestation were unsuccessful or short-lived and what’s missing in your process of manifesting a limitless experience.

Life in duality…whether we like it or not, feels like a constant search for something more.

Fulfillment & Peace

…often seem just out of reach.

Clarity & Purpose

…feel clouded by the noise of the world around us.

Connection to who we truly are…

…can feel lost in the day-to-day grind of responsibilities, expectations, and endless self-doubt.

Fulfillment & Peace

…often seem just out of reach.

Clarity & Purpose

…feel clouded by the noise of the world around us.

Connection to who we truly are

… can feel lost in the day-to-day grind of responsibilities, expectations, and endless self-doubt.

And yet…Many of us feel stuck in a life that’s “fine” but not extraordinary. We feel a sense of disconnection from ourselves, unsure of our next step, and unable to shake the nagging feeling that we’re living on the surface of something much deeper…

We look around and see that same unease mirrored in others—the striving, the stress, the exhaustion—and assume this is just how life is.

Maybe we tell ourselves, “I’ll figure it out someday,” or that peace and clarity are for people who are just…different.

But here’s the truth:

The answers you’re seeking aren’t out there.
They’ve been inside you all along, waiting to be discovered.

The problem isn’t that you don’t know enough.

It’s that you haven’t been shown how to remember who you truly are.

Imagine a path to a life that feels deeply aligned. A life where decisions come with ease, fear dissolves into trust, and you wake up each morning knowing you’re exactly where you’re meant to be.

That’s what this journey is about.

What if…

  • You could break free from the endless loop of self-doubt and finally trust yourself?
  • You could experience love, peace, and freedom—not as fleeting emotions, but as the foundation of your life?
  • You could stop chasing clarity and instead live it?

This isn’t just personal development. It’s not about “fixing” anything. This is about coming home to yourself and living from a space of infinite freedom and truth.

“While re-watching The WTF?! Experience was very beneficial, I wanted to know this wisdom in such detail that I would become the wisdom and I found this through coaching with Amir. I am then able to go out into the world and slot it in to how I am already living. This previous fragmented jigsaw of life is gradually taking the form of an artwork more beautiful than I could have imagined. The greatest part of this is that it isn’t the world that is changing at all – it is me. And in this realisation I am finding the endless well of power and creation that I AM. For me, it’s about having the will to invest in yourself to live the way you dreamt you could – free and with love.”

—Matt Augustyn, Australia

“I recognized the truth Amir spoke when I first saw him in The WTF?! Experience. I continued to gain greater awareness of the truth of who I am over the years, being guided by the wonderful messages in his coaching programs.
Since gaining this new awareness, I have felt more love in all my relationships. I experienced a shift from feeling I need to validate my existence, to knowing the truth of who I am and being able to live it. I plan to always continue with the work with Amir and I recommend this to anyone with an open mind.” 

— Del Rainer, United States

“What I love about the program is that each module feels like a calming mediation. I tend to overthink just about anything and listening to this content allows me to turn down the chatter, remember my Truth and to let go of having to control everything. It has helped me to focus on what I love instead of trying to force things to work in a certain way. When I allow myself to live in the flow, everything happens with more ease and in extraordinary ways that I couldn’t have planned if I tried. And I’m only on week 4 so I can’t imagine what more will come by the time I reach the end!”

—Yari Arenas, United States

Before finding Amir I had experienced an event which made me feel like my whole world crashed around me. I was struggling with relationships in general and had chronic back pain. I was blocked from my emotions like a robot and was constantly seeking happiness via distraction: buying things, traveling and going on adventures… though In reality I was often bored or miserable in my day-to-day.

Today I’m in a place that can’t compare. I’m more zen, learnt how to embrace my emotions and enjoy life. My relationships are the best they’ve ever been and my chronic back pain has also gone. My wife also keeps saying that having the new me is priceless. Dealing with life is so much more effortless and things keep falling into place without needing to ‘try’. I can’t picture myself ever stopping my journey to go deeper into the truth with Amir!”

— Harold Quinones, Australia

“All the personal development work I had done in the past always felt incomplete, like there was a piece of the puzzle that was always missing.

The most significant change since starting this work is that I now know how it feels to have absolute certainty. Not in the world around me or in regards to my situation but within myself. I see my world internally and externally in a completely different way than I ever could have imagined.

Amir continues to bring my attention back to the truth and that has been the most supportive for me to not only know but to be able to live this work, everyday.

— Colby Stacey, Australia

“Living this in every moment is a lifestyle change. This coaching offers consistent support to stay on track. It’s like fitness. Just because you see results, you don’t stop, you keep going as there is no destination. It becomes a lifestyle. I can’t wait for every week when I get the new audio or video and I clear my schedule to watch it as I get insight after insight into my own life. And it translates to decision making. When I make decisions now for things that I would have thought weren’t easy or attainable, I watch as things happen in my life to revolve around what I desire, instant manifestation, all by putting my attention on the truth.”

— Kerri Tsigolis

Join me for 12 weeks of coaching and content to transform your mindset from one of lack and struggle to one in which you know everything is truly possible.

Are you ready to live this? 

You already know the answer to this question. But what I know from many years of facilitating this work is that right about now, you’re probably having a lot of head noise.

You may feel in your heart that “YES! I want to continue doing this work, I want to be able to live a LIMITLESS life!” But then, you look at the restrictions in your story and it’s what creates the head noise—and, ultimately is what leads you to question your feeling.

The limiting circumstances may present themselves as financial constraints (the most common), not having the time, past experiences or whispers of your own self-doubt.

Let me start by saying, I am not here to convince, push, manipulate or even motivate you to continue this journey with me. I’m only mentioning the above points because I see so many people get swayed (by their own head noise) against what they really feel to do.

This work is about YOU following what you really feel to do. It’s also about having the strength to not be swayed.

Only you have the power to truly transform your life. The willingness to continue with this work must come from your soul. Otherwise, you’ll be looking to me to make the change for you (this work is about me teaching you how to fish, rather than me catching the fish for you).

This journey is about self-realisation. And, while I will guide and support you on your path and through Infinite Coaching, I cannot do the work for you—which is why you must willingly choose it for yourself.

You already know that the work I deliver is unlike anything else out there because YOU experienced it. The WTF?! Experience no doubt stirred your soul, and for the first time in possibly a very long time—you caught a glimpse of your infinite potential and The Real Love.

And the unsettling feeling that “there must be something more” was confirmed.
There is something more, and by now, you may know it’s not in your worldly possessions or achievements.

Now is your chance—this is a sliding doors moment!

What you choose today will dramatically impact who you can become and determine if you look back on your life with fulfilment or disappointment.

To move forward a wholehearted decision is required — and a wholehearted decision is INDEPENDENT of all circumstances.

It is made purely on a feeling, and it’s made with love.

If you notice yourself hesitating on what you feel right now, you are making a decision based on your circumstances.

Be courageous, do something different, and make that wholehearted decision to continue your journey despite your doubts and fears.Amir Zoghi


How is the program delivered?

The program consists of two parts: live coaching calls with an AZ Facilitator and weekly pre-recorded video content.

You will choose your coaching call time with your facilitator after you’ve signed up. They will take place on Zoom.

The weekly video content is delivered within a private member’s area. You will receive login to access the content after you register.

Who will my facilitator be?

You will get to choose your facilitator after you’ve registered your spot based on the most convenient timezone. We have certified AZ facilitators in the United States and Australia. 

Who are the facilitators?

Amir’s certified facilitators have worked personally with Amir for 10+ years and have extensive training through his TLC coaches training program. They have been coached through all Amir’s content and programs on their own journey and have been trained on how to coach other’s through it with Amir’s philosophy and methods.

There own live’s have been transformed and they now find their highest love in helping transform the lives of others on this path. 

Is this group or personal coaching?

This program is currently offered with private 1-1 coaching from an AZ facilitator.

The Journey



  • 12 weekly Truth Bump content videos from Amir, each on a specific topic related to the most common pitfalls people encounter on this journey.
  • 6 bi-weekly private coaching calls with a certified AZ Coach & Facilitator to discuss the content and how to apply it to your specific situation.
  • Lifetime access to The WTF?! Experience 4-hour online program.
  • Amir’s 3 most-popular guided meditations to support you in integrating what you learn.
  • The 30-Day Mind Over Matter Challenge, for daily audio support and encouragement from Amir in living this work.

INVESTMENT: 3 monthly payments of $550 USD