Amir's Private Coaching GroupHaving coached hundreds of people from around the world, there are two things that stand out about the journey people take with this work:
1 — When you do it alone, you’re more likely to get drawn back into your limited mindset.
2 — When you do it alone, you are less likely to LIVE what you’ve felt or realized in my online programs.
From all the coaching I’ve done, by far the most powerful sessions have been the ones that were part of a live group! In fact, I would go as far to say that the power is in the group of like-minded people who are sharing this journey together.
When you’re ready to commit to stepping outside the box for good and access the infinite version of yourself…
Welcome to my Inner Circle.
The Inner Circle is my private coaching group that meets face-to-face every week on Zoom.
I coach you and a small group of other like-minded individuals through all the bends and turns that one faces on their path to their Real Self.
“Before Amir’s work, I was really depressed and in a very dark place. I probably would have taken my life. Now, I don’t feel that way. I’m actually excited to see what the next chapter is, the next adventure. I honestly feel like I love myself, all of me, and that’s something I don’t know if I’ve ever been able to say.
I’m just grateful that I found this coaching group and can live a much deeper, meaningful life. I’ve overcome so many things since joining, dived deeper into myself, and become comfortable in my own skin.”
– Penelope Michael, United States
“Before I started this work with Amir, nothing seemed to be working out for me in relationships, finances and my career. I repeated the same patterns and I was deeply unhappy. I felt completely trapped in myself and my problems. I wanted to run away from everything in my life as it felt like it was all too hard to bare.
Amir opened my mind to another way of seeing life. I still experience things not working out for me, but they usually don’t consume me. I can come back to a place in myself that is unshakable, where I know I’m always ok. I can now experience so much joy and presence and so much appreciation for this life that I get to experience.”
— August Porter
“From this group, I found pure acceptance. The nervous tension I came with, worrying if I would fit in, vanished quickly. From the minute I joined, I felt like love just pulled me in. Despite my initial doubts about deserving this, I feel like a different person now. I have a newfound strength and an army of support.
The biggest transformation for me was shedding the feeling of unworthiness. I realized I do deserve the love and opportunities coming my way. I owe everything to this group and the people who hold space for me.“
– Roxy Ahmed, Spain

What’s Included:
- Weekly intimate group Zoom calls with Amir (recordings sent within 24 hours if you can’t make it live).
- Monthyl 1-1 calls with Amir
- Private WhatsApp group for coaching and sharing between calls.
- Full 29 Video Truth Bump series
- Bonus content and access to vaulted programs made available exclusively to Inner Circle members.
- Support and connection with liked-minded people from around the world committed to living an infinite life.
- Recording of the newest live version of The WTF?! Experience, recorded in California in 2024.
Investment: $1100/month AUD
Here’s what past and present Inner Circle Members have said:
Take a step forward towards yourself, towards your Real Self and really Live your Truth, not just know it!
“Before finding Amir I had experienced an event which made me feel like my whole world crashed around me. I was struggling with relationships in general and had chronic back pain. I was blocked from my emotions like a robot and was constantly seeking happiness via distraction: buying things, traveling and going on adventures… though In reality I was often bored or miserable in my day-to-day.
Today I’m in a place that can’t compare. I’m more zen, learnt how to embrace my emotions and enjoy life. My relationships are the best they’ve ever been and my chronic back pain has also gone. My wife also keeps saying that having the new me is priceless. Dealing with life is so much more effortless and things keep falling into place without needing to ‘try’. I can’t picture myself ever stopping my journey to go deeper into the truth with Amir!”
— Harold Quinones, Australia
“I had been struggling with anxiety and depression for a number of years. I knew I needed to make a big change in my relationship but couldn’t act on those feelings. I was scared, confused & had very low self-worth. After this work with Amir I don’t think about myself in the same negative ways I used to. I still feel sad at times but it now feels natural & healthy. I don’t feel stuck in those emotions. I show up differently in my relationships and as a parent. I’m less reactive & more compassionate. I feel comfortable being myself & not needing to be who I think others want me to be.”
— Nikki Foley, Australia
“All the personal development work I had done in the past always felt incomplete, like there was a piece of the puzzle that was always missing.
The most significant change since starting this work is that I now know how it feels to have absolute certainty. Not in the world around me or in regards to my situation but within myself. I see my world internally and externally in a completely different way than I ever could have imagined.
Amir continues to bring my attention back to the truth and that has been the most supportive for me to not only know but to be able to live this work, everyday.“
— Colby Stacey, Australia